Laws of Nature: Manifesto Positions

1. Laws of Nature

Global warming

Are present or occur in a system

Are expressed via exact practices when possible, like Mathematics, Temperature and the Periodic System

Many cannot be expressed in exact ways; for example Darwin’s rule

2. With no specific statement expressing what a Law of Nature is, our recommendation is:  

When something cannot be changed or overruled by human-made constructs, it qualifies as a Law of Nature*

* Human-made constructs: Methods, theories, paradigms, laws, strategies, processes, IT apps, fixed ways of thinking, technology and so forth


3. We are undeniably all part of Nature, because of what we do and how we behave


We adapt Laws of Nature for the betterment of humankind 

Nature, however, does not allow ignoring, changing or overruling relevant Laws of Nature 

These include those Laws of Nature that remain to be identified 

4. Selection Criteria for the Laws of Nature listed below

Laws of Nature that 

Provide the highest impact at the lowest costs and risks across areas, fields and subjects

May create a common direction

Enable both, bottom-up and top-down solutions of high(est) impact to complement each other and get through the system with high speed and reliability 

Make top-down and bottom-up solutions complement each other

Enable projects to get over the Tipping Points where they become practical, executable and their solutions durable (Tipping Point Law of Nature applied) 

Highest-Impact Laws of Nature

Under development

In addition to the Tipping Point and Capacity Bottleneck Laws of Nature identified in Manifesto parts 1 and 2, there are 9 further laws meeting the criteria above. They are complemented with additional criteria based on the Tipping Point Law of Nature and a language suited for large groups outside science.  

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