Initiatives waste their time and resources on overcoming mountains of obstacles
Available solutions of the high(est) impact get stuck in the system by default
Our long-standing approaches to solving the growing problems we face failed us
An enormous solution potential is waiting to be unleashed
Bureaucracy and fixed ways of thinking prevent us from unlocking it
Ban Ki-moon, Former UN Secretary-General, The Elders newsletter. March 1st, 2024:
“We need to see an urgent change of direction in global decision-making”
Signed by Ban Ki-moon, 9 former Heads of State and 2 (+ 7) Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. February, 2024
“Calling on world leaders to show long-view leadership on existential threats”
“Our world is in grave danger. We face a set of threats that put all humanity at risk. Our leaders are not responding with the wisdom and urgency required.”
Shocking Facts & Causes
Shocking Discoveries
Why People Lose Patience
Many experts in science and innovative networks: The needed solutions are available today
- Exponential growth of the problems we face
- Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA)
High-impact solutions require support
Standard responses for 2+ decades
- “This does not fit my responsibility, processes, discipline, expertise or priority”
- “Here is my best practice, model, trend or tool”
- At least one individual stopping available solutions
Caused By
Lost and missing foundations in our long-standing solution approaches
What do decision-makers1 really need to make the problem-solving decisions?
1 Across industries, institutions, public services and communities at all levels
When the matter is complex:
Where is the compliance verification against relevant Laws of Nature during decision-making?
What do innovators and initiative owners really need to get their solutions through the system?
Particularly those with high-to-highest impact possibilities
What do employees really need to do their jobs in healthy ways?
Additional for decision-makers, advisors, scientists, funders, project managers and innovators
Laws of Nature: When the challenge is complex
Where is the education of decision-makers, scientists, funders and innovators in the Laws of Nature relevant to their fields when unchangeable but occurring Laws of Nature …
- from physics, mathematics and engineering cannot be expressed in exact ways1 OR
- cannot be expressed at all in exact ways2?
1 For examples see Manifesto parts 1 and 2 (Tipping Point and Capacity Bottleneck Laws of Nature)
2 For an example see Darwin’s survival law
Innovation & Einstein-Newton-Darwin practices
Where are the innovation and research tracks based on Einstein-Newton-Darwin1 practices and the problem-solving practices of individuals like
- Steve Jobs (iPhone / smartphone),
- Jacinda Ardern (former Prime Minister of New Zealand, compassion and leadership style)
Where is the support and funding for non-technical innovation?
1 See Manifesto parts 1 and 2 and Darwin’s survival law
How can we see that urgencies, responsibilities and research priorities are aligned such that the exponential growth of damage created by the existential problems is turned around within acceptable timeframes?
- Ecuador’s constituion1 and Bolivia’s Mother Earth laws2 give Nature a seat at the table during decision-making processes
- Decision-making processes verify compliances in alignment with relevant Laws of Nature, especially when Laws of Nature …
- from physics, mathematics and engineering cannot be expressed in exact ways3 OR
- cannot be expressed at all in exact ways4?
1 Source: Wikipedia
2 Conflicts with conflicting laws to overcome. Source: Harvard Faculty Voice Podcast. Feb. 6, 2023
3 For examples see Manifesto parts 1 and 2 (Tipping Point and Capacity Bottleneck Laws of Nature)
4 For an example see Darwin’s survival law
How can we see early on that solutions are practical, executable at the system level and durable?
A small group of Experts-by-Experience in the field took on this challenge
They found answers and simple solutions
The foundations are available through this Manifesto
After 2+ decades: The Only Solution Left May Be …
Law of Nature Manifesto: SUMMARY
What Experts with Experience in the Field Found to be of the Highest Impact
That is in particular experts who have found effective solutions where our long-standing solution approaches failed us
We have lost the ability to apply relevant Laws of Nature when they cannot be expressed in exact ways ...
Nature does not allow overwriting hard Laws of Nature. The damage from overwriting relevant laws is colossal.
Missing relevant Laws of Nature undermines:
- Our efforts to unleash the power of solutions available today
- Our potential in surviving by intelligence, whilst being in harmony with Nature
Laws of Nature typically relevant but missed in complex environments:
- Tipping Point law
- Capacity Bottleneck law
- Health law
Root cause and intervention point of the highest impact
The same lessons are learned, lost and relearned again and again ...
For over two decades
Large groups have learned to recognise when initiatives give insufficient or no attention to
- Common lessons learned
- Relevant Laws of Nature
- Core Human Values & Essential Behaviours
- Lack of interest
- Giving up
- Opposition
- Conflict-creating behaviours
Root cause and intervention point of the highest impact
These root causes guide us to where interventions need to take place
A few Laws of Nature provide the core guidance to solve complex problems ...
More specifically: Tipping Point, Capacity Bottleneck and Health laws
No rocket science or mathematics needed
Often possible: Integration of such laws in decision-making
Einstein-Newton-Darwin practices show us the way to finding simple rules and Laws of Nature that apply to highly complex matters
In Response to the Shocking Facts & Causes Above
The Manifesto provides
Common lessons learned, root causes, Laws of Nature, and simple solutions of the highest impact
The Manifesto prevents
Analysis paralysis and information overload through focus on the highest impact at the lowest costs and risks
The information overload simplified to a small series of 5 to 30-minute video tutorials
Those who want to know where and how to intervene
2:30 hours only
Those designing and executing transformation projects
3:30 hours only
Approach and Structure
Whenever an environment or challenge is complex
Business services
Health Services
Public services
Social enterprises
And more
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Best practices & Methods
Human Resources
Indigenous knowledge
Knowledge Management
Land use
Natural Earth Systems
Project management
Societal matters
Youth & Children
And more
Agile yet reliable decision-making
Artificial Intelligence: Downside prevention
• Beneficial versus counterproductive
Bureaucracy & Complexity reduction
Cooperation & Co-creation
Circular economies: Making them happen
Education and skill gaps
Fixed ways of thinking & Behaviour
Food security
Health of
• People
• Projects, organizations and environment
• Planet
• High(est)-impact getting stuck by default
• Out-of-the-box, social and organizational
Marine life
Trust: (Re-)creating trust
Truth finding
Productivity improvements
Project failure rates far to high
Social and organisational innovation needs
Water security
And more
1 Sustainable Development Goals
A Navigation System For Making Better Decisions
For personal education, health, work and donation matters
To distinguish those who continue to apply the same practices that created the problems we face versus those solving them
For making initiatives, projects and movements appealing, practical and executable in today’s world
To distinguish initiatives, research, projects, and movements with too many gaps and conflicts versus those being practical, executable, and durable
To (re-)create problem-solving decision-making in politics, businesses, public services and institutions
Brief tutorials & Powerful Guiding Questions you can ask
The basics are the same for all perspectives.
Law of Nature Manifesto: The PACKAGE
Part 1: Introduction & the Tipping Point Law of Nature in One Sentence
- Why do solution attempts fail us today?
- How did the Laws of Nature disappear from decision-making?
- How do we reconnect with the Einstein-Newton-Darwin practices?
- Multiple structurally different practices from how we go about tough problems today
- How can we together get started in our own environments to solve these matters?
- How we apply the Tipping Point Law of Nature without realizing it
- The law’s huge solution potential waiting to be unleashed
- Hard-to-ignore guiding questions everybody can ask when decisions are to be made
Part 2: The Second Law of Highest Impact in Two Sentences
- What would Einstein, Newton and Darwin do when faced with differences against standard practices?
- Answers by Prof. Michael Fitzgerald
- What characteristics should decision-makers look for when hiring people to solve tough problems?
- Answers by Prof. M. Fitzgerald
- Why is the second Law of Nature applied for the road system, but not for organizations and mental matters such as ADHD, autism and dyslexia?
- A systemic failure demanding the highest priority now
- Why many are likely to have found effective mental health treatments after standard therapies delivered insufficient results
- The bound-to-be missing Law-of-Nature-based link between identified causes of various mental matters and their symptoms,
- Why urgently needed research with the missing link couldn’t get started
- Hard-to-ignore guiding questions you can ask when managerial, organizational, societal and therapy decisions need to be made
Part 3: Intervening Where the Highest Impact Can be Made At the Lowest Costs & Risks
- Why do simplification projects in a box create more bureaucracy and complexity at the system level than is saved inside the box? How can this be prevented?
- Why is a package of (simple) solutions required to solve complex problems?
- The extended Manifesto structure with five subsections identifying intervention points of the highest impact and solutions having shown their value across industries and fields
- Hard-to-ignore guiding questions you can ask when attempts are made to solve complex problems
Part 3.1: Practices Which Break Trust Versus Practices Which BUILD Trust
- Why do communication practices that worked (well) before now trigger disbelief, resistance and opposition?
- What type of communications, practices and activities should be avoided?
- What communications, practices and activities turned the previous situation into interest, support and demand?
- A guiding question you can apply yourself to get people on board
Part 3.2: Intervention Points of the Highest Impact
- Why have our long-standing approaches to
- unlocking the available solutions &
- reducing the crippling bureaucracy &
- reducing the overwhelming complexity
failed us?
- What are intervention points of the highest impact we have missed?
- Eight executable intervention points of the highest impact
- Hard-to-ignore guiding questions you can ask when decisions are to be made
Part 3.3: One Word to Make Better Decisions and Reduce Bureaucracy Drastically
- What is the most impactful intervention possibility to
- Flatten-the-Curve of the exponentially grown bureaucracy and complexity drastically?
- Avoid practices and ways of thinking that worsen matters and select those that solve the tough problems in our environment and beyond?
- Re-create trust?
A single word, derived from the Tipping Point Law of Nature
- How can we utilize the existing bureaucracy to get this intervention possibility into decision-making?
- How do we prevent waiting decades until the regulations, processes and the like are adjusted?
- How does this intervention align with popular models and science?
- Hard-to-ignore guiding questions you can ask when decisions are to be made
Video recording underway
Part 3.5: Core Human Values and Essential Behaviours for Decision-Making
Part 4.1: Calls for Pilot Projects and Educational Needs
Part 4.2: Overcoming Transformational Obstacles
Part 4.3: Collection of Hard-to-Ignore Guiding Questions
The Law of Nature Manifesto: A Fresh Approach
Intervening where the highest impact can be made at the lowest costs and risks
Practices and solutions that facilitated the delivery of needed results after standard approaches failed
What delivered the needed results across industries, fields or subjects
Across industries, fields and subjects, the same Laws of Nature, often available from Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, emerged as the primary intervention possibilities
Keep what works well
Let go of the long-standing approaches that failed us
Complement what works well with what has demonstrated needed results after our long-standing approaches failed us
The Manifesto's Co-Creators
Core Team
Netherlands, Germany
Initiator of the Manifesto
Bridgebuilder, Analyst, Inventor, Polymath
Contributing Co-creators
Emile (Glans) Van Essen
Many sustainability projects across the globe have received (large) funds. Emile became a co-creator when he discovered that the Law of Nature Manifesto was addressing many of the obstacles undermining the projects funded and he didn’t see anyone else doing this.
Cooperatieve Vereniging AiREAS U.A.
A value-driven co-operative organization: Together for clean air and health in local environments
Website maintained by ComDyS
Experience and knowledge contributions